Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict, List, TypeVar

import pandas as pd
from toolz import curry, assoc, compose

from import xgb_classification_learner
from fklearn.common_docstrings import learner_pred_fn_docstring, learner_return_docstring
from fklearn.types import LearnerReturnType
from import log_learner_time

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='xgb_octopus_classification_learner') def xgb_octopus_classification_learner(train_set: pd.DataFrame, learning_rate_by_bin: Dict[T, float], num_estimators_by_bin: Dict[T, int], extra_params_by_bin: Dict[T, Dict[str, Any]], features_by_bin: Dict[T, List[str]], train_split_col: str, train_split_bins: List, nthread: int, target_column: str, prediction_column: str = "prediction") -> LearnerReturnType: """ Octopus ensemble allows you to inject domain specific knowledge to force a split in an initial feature, instead of assuming the tree model will do that intelligent split on its own. It works by first defining a split on your dataset and then training one individual model in each separated dataset. Parameters ---------- train_set: pd.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features, target columns and a splitting column that must be categorical. learning_rate_by_bin: dict A dictionary of learning rate in the XGBoost model to use in each model split. Ex: if you want to split your training by tenure and you have a tenure column with integer values [1,2,3,...,12], you have to specify a list of learning rates for each split:: { 1: 0.08, 2: 0.08, ... 12: 0.1 } num_estimators_by_bin: dict A dictionary of number of tree estimators in the XGBoost model to use in each model split. Ex: if you want to split your training by tenure and you have a tenure column with integer values [1,2,3,...,12], you have to specify a list of estimators for each split:: { 1: 300, 2: 250, ... 12: 300 } extra_params_by_bin: dict A dictionary of extra parameters dictionaries in the XGBoost model to use in each model split. Ex: if you want to split your training by tenure and you have a tenure column with integer values [1,2,3,...,12], you have to specify a list of extra parameters for each split:: { 1: { 'reg_alpha': 0.0, 'colsample_bytree': 0.4, ... 'colsample_bylevel': 0.8 } 2: { 'reg_alpha': 0.1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.6, ... 'colsample_bylevel': 0.4 } ... 12: { 'reg_alpha': 0.0, 'colsample_bytree': 0.7, ... 'colsample_bylevel': 1.0 } } features_by_bin: dict A dictionary of features to use in each model split. Ex: if you want to split your training by tenure and you have a tenure column with integer values [1,2,3,...,12], you have to specify a list of features for each split:: { 1: [feature-1, feature-2, feature-3, ...], 2: [feature-1, feature-3, feature-5, ...], ... 12: [feature-2, feature-4, feature-8, ...] } train_split_col: str The name of the categorical column where the model will make the splits. Ex: if you want to split your training by tenure, you can have a categorical column called "tenure". train_split_bins: list A list with the actual values of the categories from the `train_split_col`. Ex: if you want to split your training by tenure and you have a tenure column with integer values [1,2,3,...,12] you can pass this list and you will split your training into 12 different models. nthread: int Number of threads for the XGBoost learners. target_column: str The name of the target column. prediction_column: str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. """ train_fns = {b: xgb_classification_learner(features=features_by_bin[b], learning_rate=learning_rate_by_bin[b], num_estimators=num_estimators_by_bin[b], target=target_column, extra_params=assoc(extra_params_by_bin[b], 'nthread', nthread), prediction_column=prediction_column + "_bin_" + str(b)) for b in train_split_bins} train_sets = {b: train_set[train_set[train_split_col] == b] for b in train_split_bins} train_results = {b: train_fns[b](train_sets[b]) for b in train_split_bins} # train_results is a 3-tuple (prediction functions, predicted train dataset, train logs) pred_fns = {b: train_results[b][0] for b in train_split_bins} train_logs = {b: train_results[b][2] for b in train_split_bins} def p(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: pred_fn = compose(*pred_fns.values()) return (pred_fn(df) .assign(pred_bin=prediction_column + "_bin_" + df[train_split_col].astype(str)) .assign(prediction=lambda d: d.lookup(d.index.values, d.pred_bin.values.squeeze())) .rename(index=str, columns={"prediction": prediction_column}) .drop("pred_bin", axis=1)) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("xgb_octopus_classification_learner") log = { 'xgb_octopus_classification_learner': { 'features': features_by_bin, 'target': target_column, 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "xgboost", 'train_logs': train_logs, 'parameters': extra_params_by_bin, 'training_samples': len(train_set) } } return p, p(train_set), log
xgb_octopus_classification_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Octopus XGB Classifier")