
Where to start?

We love pull requests(and issues) from everyone. We recommend you to take a look at the project, follow the examples before contribute with code.

By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our code of conduct.

Getting Help

If you found a bug or need a new feature, you can submit an issue.

If you would like to chat with other contributors to fklearn, consider joining the Gitter.

Working with the code

Now that that you already understand how the project works, maybe it’s time to fix something, add and enhancement, or write new documentation. It’s time to understand how we send contributions.

Version control

This project is hosted in Github, this way, to contribute with it you need an account, you sign up here <>_ We use git as version control, so it’s good to understand basic git flows before send new code. You can follow Github Help to understand how to work with git.


To write new code, you will iteract with your own fork, so go to fklearn repo page, and hit the Fork button. This will create a copy of our repository in your account. To clone the repository in your machine:

git clone
git remote add upstream

This will create a folder called fklearn and will connect to the upstream(main repo).

Development env

We recommend you to create a virtualenv before starts to work with the code. And be able to run all tests locally before start to write new code.

Creating the virtualenv

# Use an ENV_DIR of you choice. We are using ~/venvs
python3.6 -m venv ~/venvs/fklearn-dev
source ~/venvs/fklearn-dev/activate

Install the requirements

This command will install all the test dependencies. To install the package itself follow install instruction.

pip install -qe .[test_deps]

Run tests

The following command should run all tests, if every test pass, you should be ready to start develop new stuff

python -m pytest tests/

Creating a development branch

First we should check if you master is up to date with the latest version of the repo

git checkout master
git pull upstream master --ff-only
git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

If you already have a branch, and you want to update with the upstream master

git checkout name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

Contribute with code

In this session we’ll guide you on how to contribute with the code. This is a guide if you want to fix or implement a new feature.

Code standards

This project is compatible only with python3.6 and follows the pep8 style And we use this import formatting

In order to check if your code follow our style, you can run from the repo root dir:

python -m pip install -q flake8
python -m flake8 \
--ignore=E731,W503 \
--filename=*.py \ \
--show-source \
--statistics \
--max-line-length=120 \
src/ tests/

Run tests

After you finish your feature development or bug fix, you should run your tests, using:

python -m pytest tests/

Or if want to run only one test:

python -m pytest tests/

You should always write tests for your features, you can look at the other tests to have a better idea how we implement them. As test framework we use pytest

Document your code

All methods should have type annotations, this allow us to know what that method expect as parameters, and what is the output. You can learn more about it in typing docs

To document your code you should add docstrings, all methods with docstring will appear in this documentation’s api file. If you created a new file, you may need to add it to the api.rst following the structure

 Folder Name

 File name (fklearn.folder_name.file_name)

 ..currentmodule:: fklearn.folder_name.file_name

 .. autosummary::

The docstrings should follow this format

.. code-block:: none

 Brief introduction of method

 More info about it


 parameter_1 : type
     Parameter description


 value_1 : type
     Value description

Contribute with documentation

You can add, fix documenation of: code(docstrings) or this documentation files.


Follow the same structure we explained in code contribution


This documentation is written using rst(reStructuredText) you can learn more about it in rst docs When you make changes in the docs, please make sure, we still be able to build it without any issue.

Build documentation

From docs/ folder, install requirments.txt and run

make html

This command will build the documentation inside docs/build/html and you can check locally how it looks, and if everything worked.

Send you changes to Fklearn repo

Commit your changes

You should think about a commit as a unit of change. So it should describe a small change you did in the project.

The following command will list all files you changed:

git status

To choose which files will be added to the commit:

git add path/to/the/file/name.extension

And to write a commit message:

This command will open your text editor to write commit messages

git commit

This will add a commit only with subject

git commit -m "My commit message"

We recommend this guide to write better commit messages

Push the changes

After you write all your commit messages, decribing what you did, it’s time to send to your remote repo.

git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Create a pull request

Now that you already finished your job, you should: - Go to your repo’s Github page - Click New pull request - Choose the branch you want to merge - Review the files that will be merged - Click Create pull request - Fill the template - Tag your PR, add the category(bug, enhancement, documentation…) and a review-request label

When my code will be merged?

All code will be reviewed, we require at least one code owner review, and any other person review. We will usually do weekly releases of the package if we have any new features, that are already reviewed.


Use Semantic versioning to set library versions, more info: But basically this means:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

(from summary)

You don’t need to set the version in your PR, we’ll take care of this when we decide to release a new version. Today the process is:

  • Create a new milestone X.Y.Z (maintainers only)
  • Some PR/issues are attibuted to this new milestone
  • Merge all the related PRs (maintainers only)
  • Create a new PR: Bump package to X.Y.Z This PR update the version and the change log (maintainers only)
  • Create a tag X.Y.Z (maintainers only)

This last step will trigger the CI to build the package and send the version to pypi

When we add new functionality, the past version will be moved to another branch. For example, if we’re at version 1.13.7 and a new functionality is implemented, we create a new branch 1.13.x, and protect it(this way we can’t delete it), the new code is merged to master branch, and them we create the tag 1.14.0

This way we can always fix a past version, opening PRs from 1.13.x branch.