Source code for

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Union, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy import nan
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from statsmodels.distributions import empirical_distribution as ed
from toolz import curry, merge, compose, mapcat
from fklearn.common_docstrings import learner_return_docstring, learner_pred_fn_docstring
from import log_learner_time
from fklearn.types import LearnerReturnType, LearnerLogType
from fklearn.preprocessing.schema import column_duplicatable

[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='selector') def selector(df: pd.DataFrame, training_columns: List[str], predict_columns: List[str] = None) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Filters a DataFrames by selecting only the desired columns. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns` training_columns : list of str A list of column names that will remain in the dataframe during training time (fit) predict_columns: list of str A list of column names that will remain in the dataframe during prediction time (transform) If None, it defaults to `training_columns`. """ if predict_columns is None: predict_columns = training_columns def p(new_data_set: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return new_data_set[predict_columns] p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("selector") log = {'selector': { 'training_columns': training_columns, 'predict_columns': predict_columns, 'transformed_column': list(set(training_columns).union(predict_columns))}} return p, df[training_columns], log
selector.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Selector")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_cap') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='capper') def capper(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_cap: List[str], precomputed_caps: Dict[str, float] = None) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Learns the maximum value for each of the `columns_to_cap` and used that as the cap for those columns. If precomputed caps are passed, the function uses that as the cap value instead of computing the maximum. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_cap` columns. columns_to_cap : list of str A list os column names that should be caped. precomputed_caps : dict A dictionary on the format {"column_name" : cap_value}. That maps column names to pre computed cap values """ if not precomputed_caps: precomputed_caps = {} caps = {col: precomputed_caps.get(col, df[col].max()) for col in columns_to_cap} def p(new_data_set: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: capped_cols = {col: new_data_set[col].clip(upper=caps[col]) for col in caps.keys()} return new_data_set.assign(**capped_cols) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("capper") log = {'capper': { 'caps': caps, 'transformed_column': columns_to_cap, 'precomputed_caps': precomputed_caps}} return p, p(df), log
capper.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Capper")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_floor') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='floorer') def floorer(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_floor: List[str], precomputed_floors: Dict[str, float] = None) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Learns the minimum value for each of the `columns_to_floor` and used that as the floot for those columns. If precomputed floors are passed, the function uses that as the cap value instead of computing the minimun. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_floor` columns. columns_to_floor : list of str A list os column names that should be floored. precomputed_floors : dict A dictionary on the format {"column_name" : floor_value} that maps column names to pre computed floor values """ if not precomputed_floors: precomputed_floors = {} floors = {col: precomputed_floors.get(col, df[col].min()) for col in columns_to_floor} def p(new_data_set: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: capped_cols = {col: new_data_set[col].clip(lower=floors[col]) for col in floors.keys()} return new_data_set.assign(**capped_cols) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("floorer") log = {'floorer': { 'floors': floors, 'transformed_column': columns_to_floor, 'precomputed_floors': precomputed_floors}} return p, p(df), log
floorer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Floorer")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='ecdfer') def ecdfer(df: pd.DataFrame, ascending: bool = True, prediction_column: str = "prediction", ecdf_column: str = "prediction_ecdf", max_range: int = 1000) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Learns an Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function from the specified column in the input DataFrame. It is usually used in the prediction column to convert a predicted probability into a score from 0 to 1000. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain a `prediction_column` columns. ascending : bool Whether to compute an ascending ECDF or a descending one. prediction_column : str The name of the column in `df` to learn the ECDF from. ecdf_column : str The name of the new ECDF column added by this function max_range : int The maximum value for the ECDF. It will go will go from 0 to max_range. """ if ascending: base = 0 sign = 1 else: base = max_range sign = -1 values = df[prediction_column] ecdf = ed.ECDF(values) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return new_df.assign(**{ecdf_column: (base + sign * max_range * ecdf(new_df[prediction_column]))}) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("ecdefer") log = {'ecdfer': { 'nobs': len(values), 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'ascending': ascending, 'transformed_column': [ecdf_column]}} return p, p(df), log
ecdfer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("ECDFer")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='discrete_ecdfer') def discrete_ecdfer(df: pd.DataFrame, ascending: bool = True, prediction_column: str = "prediction", ecdf_column: str = "prediction_ecdf", max_range: int = 1000, round_method: Callable = int) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Learns an Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function from the specified column in the input DataFrame. It is usually used in the prediction column to convert a predicted probability into a score from 0 to 1000. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain a `prediction_column` columns. ascending : bool Whether to compute an ascending ECDF or a descending one. prediction_column : str The name of the column in `df` to learn the ECDF from. ecdf_column : str The name of the new ECDF column added by this function. max_range : int The maximum value for the ECDF. It will go will go from 0 to max_range. round_method: Callable A function perform the round of transformed values for ex: (int, ceil, floor, round) """ if ascending: base = 0 sign = 1 else: base = max_range sign = -1 values = df[prediction_column] ecdf = ed.ECDF(values) df_ecdf = pd.DataFrame() df_ecdf['x'] = ecdf.x df_ecdf['y'] = pd.Series(base + sign * max_range * ecdf.y).apply(round_method) boundaries = df_ecdf.groupby("y").agg((min, max))["x"]["min"].reset_index() y = boundaries["y"] x = boundaries["min"] side = ecdf.side log = {'discrete_ecdfer': { 'map': dict(zip(x, y)), 'round_method': round_method, 'nobs': len(values), 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'ascending': ascending, 'transformed_column': [ecdf_column]}} del ecdf del values del df_ecdf def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if not ascending: tind = np.searchsorted(-x, -new_df[prediction_column]) else: tind = np.searchsorted(x, new_df[prediction_column], side) - 1 return new_df.assign(**{ecdf_column: y[tind].values}) return p, p(df), log
discrete_ecdfer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Discrete ECDFer")
[docs]@curry def prediction_ranger(df: pd.DataFrame, prediction_min: float, prediction_max: float, prediction_column: str = "prediction") -> LearnerReturnType: """ Caps and floors the specified prediction column to a set range. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain a `prediction_column` columns. prediction_min : float The floor for the prediction. prediction_max : float The cap for the prediction. prediction_column : str The name of the column in `df` to cap and floor """ def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return new_df.assign( **{prediction_column: new_df[prediction_column].clip(lower=prediction_min, upper=prediction_max)} ) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("prediction_ranger") log = {'prediction_ranger': { 'prediction_min': prediction_min, 'prediction_max': prediction_max, 'transformed_column': [prediction_column]}} return p, p(df), log
prediction_ranger.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Prediction Ranger")
[docs]def apply_replacements(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: List[str], vec: Dict[str, Dict], replace_unseen: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Base function to apply the replacements values found on the "vec" vectors into the df DataFrame. Parameters ----------- df: pandas.DataFrame A Pandas DataFrame containing the data to be replaced. columns : list of str The df columns names to perform the replacements. vec: dict A dict mapping a col to dict mapping a value to its replacement. For example: vec = {"feature1": {1: 2, 3: 5, 6: 8}} replace_unseen: Any Default value to replace when original value is not present in the `vec` dict for the feature """ column_categorizer = lambda col: df[col].apply(lambda x: (np.nan if isinstance(x, float) and np.isnan(x) else vec[col].get(x, replace_unseen))) categ_columns = {col: column_categorizer(col) for col in columns} return df.assign(**categ_columns)
[docs]@column_duplicatable('value_maps') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name="value_mapper") def value_mapper(df: pd.DataFrame, value_maps: Dict[str, Dict], ignore_unseen: bool = True, replace_unseen_to: Any = np.nan) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Map values in selected columns in the DataFrame according to dictionaries of replacements. Learner wrapper for apply_replacements Parameters ----------- df: pandas.DataFrame A Pandas DataFrame containing the data to be replaced. value_maps: dict of dicts A dict mapping a col to dict mapping a value to its replacement. For example: value_maps = {"feature1": {1: 2, 3: 5, 6: 8}} ignore_unseen: bool If True, values not explicitly declared in value_maps will be left as is. If False, these will be replaced by replace_unseen_to. replace_unseen_to: Any Default value to replace when original value is not present in the `vec` dict for the feature. """ def new_col_value_map(old_col_value_map: Dict[Any, Any], new_keys: List[Any]) -> Dict[Any, Dict]: old_keys = old_col_value_map.keys() return {key: old_col_value_map[key] if key in old_keys else key for key in new_keys} columns = list(value_maps.keys()) if ignore_unseen: value_maps = {col: new_col_value_map(value_maps[col], list(df[col].unique())) for col in columns} def p(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return apply_replacements(df, columns, value_maps, replace_unseen=replace_unseen_to) return p, p(df), {"value_maps": value_maps}
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_truncate') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name="truncate_categorical") def truncate_categorical(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_truncate: List[str], percentile: float, replacement: Union[str, float] = -9999, replace_unseen: Union[str, float] = -9999, store_mapping: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Truncate infrequent categories and replace them by a single one. You can think of it like "others" category. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain a `prediction_column` columns. columns_to_truncate : list of str The df columns names to perform the truncation. percentile : float Categories less frequent than the percentile will be replaced by the same one. replacement: int, str, float or nan The value to use when a category is less frequent that the percentile variable. replace_unseen : int, str, float, or nan The value to impute unseen categories. store_mapping : bool (default: False) Whether to store the feature value -> integer dictionary in the log. """ get_categs = lambda col: (df[col].value_counts() / len(df)).to_dict() update = lambda d: map(lambda kv: (kv[0], replacement) if kv[1] <= percentile else (kv[0], kv[0]), d.items()) categs_to_dict = lambda categ_dict: dict(categ_dict) vec = {column: compose(categs_to_dict, update, get_categs)(column) for column in columns_to_truncate} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return apply_replacements(new_df, columns_to_truncate, vec, replace_unseen) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("truncate_categorical") log: LearnerLogType = {'truncate_categorical': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_truncate, 'replace_unseen': replace_unseen} } if store_mapping: log["truncate_categorical"]["mapping"] = vec return p, p(df), log
truncate_categorical.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Truncate Categorical")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_rank') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name="rank_categorical") def rank_categorical(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_rank: List[str], replace_unseen: Union[str, float] = nan, store_mapping: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Rank categorical features by their frequency in the train set. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain a `prediction_column` columns. columns_to_rank : list of str The df columns names to perform the rank. replace_unseen : int, str, float, or nan The value to impute unseen categories. store_mapping : bool (default: False) Whether to store the feature value -> integer dictionary in the log """ def col_categ_getter(col: str) -> Dict: return (df[col] .value_counts() .reset_index() .sort_values([col, "count"], ascending=[True, False]) .set_index(col)["count"] .rank(method="first", ascending=False) .to_dict()) vec = {column: col_categ_getter(column) for column in columns_to_rank} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return apply_replacements(new_df, columns_to_rank, vec, replace_unseen) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("rank_categorical") log: LearnerLogType = {'rank_categorical': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_rank, 'replace_unseen': replace_unseen} } if store_mapping: log['rank_categorical']['mapping'] = vec return p, p(df), log
rank_categorical.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Rank Categorical")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_categorize') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='count_categorizer') def count_categorizer(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_categorize: List[str], replace_unseen: int = -1, store_mapping: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Replaces categorical variables by count. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_categorize` columns. columns_to_categorize : list of str A list of categorical column names. replace_unseen : int The value to impute unseen categories. store_mapping : bool (default: False) Whether to store the feature value -> integer dictionary in the log """ categ_getter = lambda col: df[col].value_counts().to_dict() vec = {column: categ_getter(column) for column in columns_to_categorize} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return apply_replacements(new_df, columns_to_categorize, vec, replace_unseen) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("count_categorizer") log: LearnerLogType = {'count_categorizer': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_categorize, 'replace_unseen': replace_unseen} } if store_mapping: log['count_categorizer']['mapping'] = vec return p, p(df), log
count_categorizer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Count Categorizer")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_categorize') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='label_categorizer') def label_categorizer(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_categorize: List[str], replace_unseen: Union[str, float] = nan, store_mapping: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Replaces categorical variables with a numeric identifier. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_categorize` columns. columns_to_categorize : list of str A list of categorical column names. replace_unseen : int, str, float, or nan The value to impute unseen categories. store_mapping : bool (default: False) Whether to store the feature value -> integer dictionary in the log """ def categ_dict(series: pd.Series) -> Dict: categs = series.dropna().unique() return dict(map(reversed, enumerate(categs))) # type: ignore vec = {column: categ_dict(df[column]) for column in columns_to_categorize} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return apply_replacements(new_df, columns_to_categorize, vec, replace_unseen) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("label_categorizer") log: LearnerLogType = {'label_categorizer': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_categorize, 'replace_unseen': replace_unseen} } if store_mapping: log['label_categorizer']['mapping'] = vec return p, p(df), log
label_categorizer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Label Categorizer")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_bin') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='quantile_biner') def quantile_biner(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_bin: List[str], q: int = 4, right: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Discretize continuous numerical columns into its quantiles. Uses pandas.qcut to find the bins and then numpy.digitize to fit the columns into bins. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_categorize` columns. columns_to_bin : list of str A list of numerical column names. q : int Number of quantiles. 10 for deciles, 4 for quartiles, etc. Alternately array of quantiles, e.g. [0, .25, .5, .75, 1.] for quartiles. See right : bool Indicating whether the intervals include the right or the left bin edge. Default behavior is (right==False) indicating that the interval does not include the right edge. The left bin end is open in this case, i.e., bins[i-1] <= x < bins[i] is the default behavior for monotonically increasing bins. See """ bin_getter = lambda col: pd.qcut(df[col], q, retbins=True)[1] bins = {column: bin_getter(column) for column in columns_to_bin} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: col_biner = lambda col: np.where(new_df[col].isnull(), nan, np.digitize(new_df[col], bins[col], right=right)) bined_columns = {col: col_biner(col) for col in columns_to_bin} return new_df.assign(**bined_columns) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("quantile_biner") log = {'quantile_biner': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_bin, 'q': q}} return p, p(df), log
quantile_biner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Quantile Biner")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_categorize') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='onehot_categorizer') def onehot_categorizer(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_categorize: List[str], hardcode_nans: bool = False, drop_first_column: bool = False, store_mapping: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Onehot encoding on categorical columns. Encoded columns are removed and substituted by columns named `fklearn_feat__col==val`, where `col` is the name of the column and `val` is one of the values the feature can assume. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_categorize` columns. columns_to_categorize : list of str A list of categorical column names. Must be non-empty. hardcode_nans : bool Hardcodes an extra column with: 1 if nan or unseen else 0. drop_first_column : bool Drops the first column to create (k-1)-sized one-hot arrays for k features per categorical column. Can be used to avoid colinearity. store_mapping : bool (default: False) Whether to store the feature value -> integer dictionary in the log """ categ_getter = lambda col: list(np.sort(df[col].dropna(axis=0, how='any').unique())) vec = {column: categ_getter(column) for column in sorted(columns_to_categorize)} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: make_dummies = lambda col: dict(map(lambda categ: ("fklearn_feat__" + col + "==" + str(categ), (new_df[col] == categ).astype(int)), vec[col][int(drop_first_column):])) oh_cols = dict(mapcat(lambda col: merge(make_dummies(col), {"fklearn_feat__" + col + "==" + "nan": (~new_df[col].isin(vec[col])).astype(int)} if hardcode_nans else {}).items(), columns_to_categorize)) return new_df.assign(**oh_cols).drop(columns_to_categorize, axis=1) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("onehot_categorizer") log = {'onehot_categorizer': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_categorize, 'hardcode_nans': hardcode_nans, 'drop_first_column': drop_first_column}} if store_mapping: log['onehot_categorizer']['mapping'] = vec return p, p(df), log
onehot_categorizer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Onehot Categorizer")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_categorize') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='target_categorizer') def target_categorizer(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_categorize: List[str], target_column: str, smoothing: float = 1.0, ignore_unseen: bool = True, store_mapping: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Replaces categorical variables with the smoothed mean of the target variable by category. Uses a weighted average with the overall mean of the target variable for smoothing. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_categorize` and `target_column` columns. columns_to_categorize : list of str A list of categorical column names. target_column : str Target column name. Target can be binary or continuous. smoothing : float (default: 1.0) Weight given to overall target mean against target mean by category. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 ignore_unseen : bool (default: True) If True, unseen values will be encoded as nan If False, these will be replaced by target mean. store_mapping : bool (default: False) Whether to store the feature value -> float dictionary in the log. """ target_mean = df[target_column].mean() replace_unseen = nan if ignore_unseen else target_mean def categ_target_dict(column: str) -> Dict: column_agg = df.groupby(column)[target_column].agg(['count', 'mean']) column_target_mean = column_agg['mean'] column_target_count = column_agg['count'] smoothed_target_mean = (column_target_count * column_target_mean + smoothing * target_mean) / \ (column_target_count + smoothing) return smoothed_target_mean.to_dict() vec = {column: categ_target_dict(column) for column in columns_to_categorize} def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return apply_replacements(new_df, columns_to_categorize, vec, replace_unseen) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("target_categorizer") log = {'target_categorizer': { 'transformed_columns': columns_to_categorize, 'target_column': target_column, 'smoothing': smoothing, 'ignore_unseen': ignore_unseen} } if store_mapping: log['target_categorizer']['mapping'] = vec return p, p(df), log
target_categorizer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Target Categorizer")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_scale') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='standard_scaler') def standard_scaler(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_scale: List[str]) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits a standard scaler to the dataset. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with columns to scale. It must contain all columns listed in `columns_to_scale`. columns_to_scale : list of str A list of names of the columns for standard scaling. """ scaler = StandardScaler()[columns_to_scale].values) def p(new_data_set: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: new_data = scaler.transform(new_data_set[columns_to_scale].values) new_cols = pd.DataFrame(data=new_data, columns=columns_to_scale).to_dict('list') return new_data_set.assign(**new_cols) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("standard_scaler") log = {'standard_scaler': { 'standard_scaler': scaler.get_params(), 'transformed_column': columns_to_scale}} return p, p(df), log
standard_scaler.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Standard Scaler")
[docs]@column_duplicatable('columns_to_transform') @curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='custom_transformer') def custom_transformer(df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_transform: List[str], transformation_function: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame], is_vectorized: bool = False) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Applies a custom function to the desired columns. The default behaviour is to replace the original values. To store the original values in a new column, specify `prefix` or `suffix` in the parameters, or specify a dictionary with the desired column mapping using the `columns_mapping` parameter. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns` columns_to_transform : list of str A list of column names that will remain in the dataframe during training time (fit) transformation_function : function(pandas.DataFrame) -> pandas.DataFrame A function that receives a DataFrame as input, performs a transformation on its columns and returns another DataFrame. """ import swifter # NOQA def p(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if is_vectorized: return df.assign(**{col: transformation_function(df[col]) for col in columns_to_transform}) return df.assign(**{col: df[col].swifter.apply(transformation_function) for col in columns_to_transform}) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("custom_transformer") log = {'custom_transformer': { 'transformed_column': columns_to_transform, 'transformation_function': transformation_function.__name__} } return p, p(df), log
custom_transformer.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Custom Transformer")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='null_injector') def null_injector(df: pd.DataFrame, proportion: float, columns_to_inject: Optional[List[str]] = None, groups: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, seed: int = 1) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Injects null into columns Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame that must contain `columns_to_inject` as columns columns_to_inject : list of str A list of features to inject nulls. If groups is not None it will be ignored. proportion : float Proportion of nulls to inject in the columns. groups : list of list of str (default = None) A list of group of features. If not None, feature in the same group will be set to NaN together. seed : int Random seed for consistency. """ if proportion < 0 or proportion > 1: raise ValueError('proportions must be between 0 and 1.') if not ((columns_to_inject is None) ^ (groups is None)): raise ValueError('Either columns_to_inject or groups must be None.') n_rows = df.shape[0] groups = [[f] for f in columns_to_inject] if columns_to_inject is not None else groups null_cols = {} # type: ignore for seed_i, group in enumerate(groups): # type: ignore np.random.seed(seed + seed_i) replace_mask = np.random.binomial(1, 1 - proportion, n_rows).astype(bool) null_cols = merge(null_cols, {feature: df[feature].where(replace_mask) for feature in group}) null_data = df.assign(**null_cols) def p(new_data_set: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return new_data_set p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("null_injector") log = {'null_injector': { "columns_to_inject": columns_to_inject, "proportion": proportion, "groups": groups }} return p, null_data, log
null_injector.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Null Injector")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='missing_warner') def missing_warner(df: pd.DataFrame, cols_list: List[str], new_column_name: str = "has_unexpected_missing", detailed_warning: bool = False, detailed_column_name: Optional[str] = None) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Creates a new column to warn about rows that columns that don't have missing in the training set but have missing on the scoring Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame. cols_list : list of str List of columns to consider when evaluating missingness new_column_name : str Name of the column created to alert the existence of missing values """ if (detailed_warning is False and detailed_column_name is not None) or \ (detailed_warning is True and detailed_column_name is None): raise ValueError('Either detailed_warning and detailed_column_name should be defined or both should be False.') df_selected = df[cols_list] cols_without_missing = df_selected.loc[:, df_selected.isna().sum(axis=0) == 0].columns.tolist() def p(dataset: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: def detailed_assignment(df: pd.DataFrame, cols_to_check: List[str]) -> list: print(df.loc[:, cols_to_check]) cols_with_missing = np.array([np.where(df[col].isna(), col, "") for col in cols_to_check]).T missing_by_row_list: list = [list(filter(None, x)) for x in cols_with_missing] if len(missing_by_row_list) == 0: return np.empty((0, 0)).tolist() else: return missing_by_row_list new_dataset = dataset.assign(**{new_column_name: lambda df: df[cols_without_missing].isna().sum(axis=1) > 0}) if detailed_warning and detailed_column_name: missing_by_row_list = detailed_assignment(new_dataset, cols_without_missing) return new_dataset.assign(**{detailed_column_name: missing_by_row_list}) else: return new_dataset p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("missing_warner") log = {"missing_warner": { "cols_list": cols_list, "cols_without_missing": cols_without_missing} } return p, df, log
missing_warner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Missing Alerter")