Source code for fklearn.causal.effects

import pandas as pd
from toolz import curry
from typing import Dict, Callable

from fklearn.validation.evaluators import (spearman_evaluator, correlation_evaluator, linear_coefficient_evaluator,
                                           exponential_coefficient_evaluator, logistic_coefficient_evaluator)

def _apply_effect(evaluator: Callable[..., Dict[str, float]],
                  df: pd.DataFrame,
                  treatment_column: str,
                  outcome_column: str) -> float:
    return evaluator(df, treatment_column, outcome_column, eval_name="effect")["effect"]

[docs]@curry def linear_effect(df: pd.DataFrame, treatment_column: str, outcome_column: str) -> float: """ Computes the linear coefficient from regressing the outcome on the treatment: cov(outcome, treatment)/var(treatment) Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with target and prediction scores. treatment_column : str The name of the treatment column in `df`. outcome_column : str The name of the outcome column in `df`. Returns ---------- effect: float The linear coefficient from regressing the outcome on the treatment: cov(outcome, treatment)/var(treatment) """ return _apply_effect(linear_coefficient_evaluator, df, treatment_column, outcome_column)
[docs]@curry def spearman_effect(df: pd.DataFrame, treatment_column: str, outcome_column: str) -> float: """ Computes the Spearman correlation between the treatment and the outcome Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with target and prediction scores. treatment_column : str The name of the treatment column in `df`. outcome_column : str The name of the outcome column in `df`. Returns ---------- effect: float The Spearman correlation between the treatment and the outcome """ return _apply_effect(spearman_evaluator, df, treatment_column, outcome_column)
[docs]@curry def pearson_effect(df: pd.DataFrame, treatment_column: str, outcome_column: str) -> float: """ Computes the Pearson correlation between the treatment and the outcome Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with target and prediction scores. treatment_column : str The name of the treatment column in `df`. outcome_column : str The name of the outcome column in `df`. Returns ---------- effect: float The Pearson correlation between the treatment and the outcome """ return _apply_effect(correlation_evaluator, df, treatment_column, outcome_column)
[docs]@curry def exponential_coefficient_effect(df: pd.DataFrame, treatment_column: str, outcome_column: str) -> float: """ Computes the exponential coefficient between the treatment and the outcome. Finds a1 in the following equation outcome = exp(a0 + a1 treatment) + error Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with target and prediction scores. treatment_column : str The name of the treatment column in `df`. outcome_column : str The name of the outcome column in `df`. Returns ---------- effect: float The exponential coefficient between the treatment and the outcome """ return _apply_effect(exponential_coefficient_evaluator, df, treatment_column, outcome_column)
[docs]@curry def logistic_coefficient_effect(df: pd.DataFrame, treatment_column: str, outcome_column: str) -> float: """ Computes the logistic coefficient between the treatment and the outcome. Finds a1 in the following equation outcome = logistic(a0 + a1 treatment) Parameters ---------- df : Pandas' DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with target and prediction scores. treatment_column : str The name of the treatment column in `df`. outcome_column : str The name of the outcome column in `df`. Returns ---------- effect: float The logistic coefficient between the treatment and the outcome """ return _apply_effect(logistic_coefficient_evaluator, df, treatment_column, outcome_column)