Source code for fklearn.tuning.parameter_tuners

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import product
from typing import Callable, List

from numpy.random import seed
import pandas as pd
from toolz import curry, partial

from fklearn.validation.validator import parallel_validator, validator
from fklearn.types import EvalFnType, LearnerFnType, LogType, SplitterFnType, ValidatorReturnType

SaveIntermediaryFnType = Callable[[ValidatorReturnType], None]

[docs]@curry def random_search_tuner(space: LogType, train_set: pd.DataFrame, param_train_fn: Callable[[LogType], LearnerFnType], split_fn: SplitterFnType, eval_fn: EvalFnType, iterations: int, random_seed: int = 1, save_intermediary_fn: SaveIntermediaryFnType = None, n_jobs: int = 1) -> List[ValidatorReturnType]: """ Runs several training functions with each run taken from the parameter space Parameters ---------- space : dict A dictionary with keys as parameter for the model and values as callable that return a parameter. Callable must take no parameters and can return always a constant value. Example:: space = { 'learning_rate': lambda: np.random.choice([1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 10]), 'num_estimators': lambda: np.random.choice([20, 100, 150]) } train_set : pd.DataFrame The training set param_train_fn : function(space, train_set) -> p, new_df, train_log A curried training function that os only function of the parameters for the model and the training set. Example:: @curry def param_train_fn(space, train_set): return xgb_classification_learner(features=["x"], target="target", learning_rate=space["learning_rate"], num_estimators=space["num_estimators"])(train_set) split_fn : function(dataset) -> list of folds Partially defined split function that takes a dataset and returns a list of folds. Each fold is a Tuple of arrays. The fist array in each tuple contains training indexes while the second array contains validation indexes. Examples:: out_of_time_and_space_splitter(n_splits=n_splits, in_time_limit=in_time_limit, space_column=space_column, time_column=time_column) eval_fn : function(dataset) -> eval_log A base evaluation function that returns a simple evaluation log. Can't be a spited or the extractor won't work. Example: roc_auc_evaluator(target_column="target") iterations : int The number of iterations to run the parameter tuner random_seed : int Random seed save_intermediary_fn : function(log) -> save to file Partially defined saver function that receives a log result from a tuning step and appends it into a file Example: save_intermediary_result(save_path='tuning.pkl') n_jobs : int Number of parallel processes to spawn when evaluating a training function Returns ---------- tuning_log : list of dict A list of tuning log, each containing a training log and a validation log. """ validation_fn = partial(parallel_validator, n_jobs=n_jobs) if n_jobs > 1 else validator def tune_iteration() -> ValidatorReturnType: iter_space = {k: space[k]() for k in space} train_fn = param_train_fn(iter_space) validator_log = validation_fn(train_data=train_set, split_fn=split_fn, train_fn=train_fn, eval_fn=eval_fn) if save_intermediary_fn is not None: save_intermediary_fn(validator_log) return validator_log seed(random_seed) return [tune_iteration() for _ in range(iterations)]
[docs]@curry def grid_search_cv(space: LogType, train_set: pd.DataFrame, param_train_fn: Callable[[LogType], LearnerFnType], split_fn: SplitterFnType, eval_fn: EvalFnType, save_intermediary_fn: SaveIntermediaryFnType = None, load_intermediary_fn: Callable[[str], List[ValidatorReturnType]] = None, warm_start_file: str = None, n_jobs: int = 1) -> List[ValidatorReturnType]: """ Runs several training functions with each run taken from the parameter space Parameters ---------- space : dict A dictionary with keys as parameter for the model and values as callable that return a parameter. Callable must take no parameters and can return always a constant value. Example:: space = { 'learning_rate': lambda: [1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 10], 'num_estimators': lambda: [20, 100, 150] } train_set : pd.DataFrame The training set param_train_fn : function(space, train_set) -> p, new_df, train_log A curried training function that os only function of the parameters for the model and the training set. Example:: @curry def param_train_fn(space, train_set): return xgb_classification_learner(features=["x"], target="target", learning_rate=space["learning_rate"], num_estimators=space["num_estimators"])(train_set) split_fn : function(dataset) -> list of folds Partially defined split function that takes a dataset and returns a list of folds. Each fold is a Tuple of arrays. The fist array in each tuple contains training indexes while the second array contains validation indexes. Examples:: out_of_time_and_space_splitter(n_splits=n_splits, in_time_limit=in_time_limit, space_column=space_column, time_column=time_column) eval_fn : function(dataset) -> eval_log A base evaluation function that returns a simple evaluation log. Can't be a spited or the extractor won't work. Example: roc_auc_evaluator(target_column="target") save_intermediary_fn : function(log) -> save to file Partially defined saver function that receives a log result from a tuning step and saves it into a file Example: save_intermediary_result(save_path='tuning.pkl') load_intermediary_fn : function(path) -> save to file Partially defined load function that receives a path and loads previous logs from this file Example: load_intermediary_result('tuning.pkl') warm_start_file: str File containing intermediary results for grid search. If this file is present, we will perform grid search from the last combination of parameters. n_jobs : int Number of parallel processes to spawn when evaluating a training function Returns ---------- tuning_log : list of dict A list of tuning log, each containing a training log and a validation log. """ validation_fn = partial(parallel_validator, n_jobs=n_jobs) if n_jobs > 1 else validator def tune_iteration(iter_space: LogType) -> ValidatorReturnType: train_fn = param_train_fn(iter_space) validator_log = validation_fn(train_data=train_set, split_fn=split_fn, train_fn=train_fn, eval_fn=eval_fn) validator_log['iter_space'] = OrderedDict(sorted(iter_space.items())) if save_intermediary_fn is not None: save_intermediary_fn(validator_log) return validator_log sorted_space_keys = sorted(space.keys()) params = (space[k]() for k in sorted_space_keys) combinations = set(product(*params)) if warm_start_file is not None and load_intermediary_fn is not None: results = load_intermediary_fn(warm_start_file) computed_combs = set([tuple(log['iter_space'].values()) for log in results]) # type: ignore combinations = combinations.difference(computed_combs) return [tune_iteration({k_v[0]: k_v[1] for k_v in zip(sorted_space_keys, comb)}) for comb in combinations]