Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict, List

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
import sklearn
from toolz import curry, merge

from fklearn.common_docstrings import learner_pred_fn_docstring, learner_return_docstring
from fklearn.types import LearnerReturnType
from import log_learner_time, expand_features_encoded

[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='isolation_forest_learner') def isolation_forest_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], params: Dict[str, Any] = None, prediction_column: str = "prediction", encode_extra_cols: bool = True) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits an anomaly detection algorithm (Isolation Forest) to the dataset Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from the features. features : list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. params : dict The IsolationForest parameters in the format {"par_name": param}. See: prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True) If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns. """ default_params = {"n_jobs": -1, "random_state": 1729} params = default_params if not params else merge(default_params, params) features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features) model = IsolationForest() model.set_params(**params)[features].values) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: output_col = {prediction_column: model.decision_function( new_df[features])} return new_df.assign(**output_col) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("isolation_forest_learner") log = {'isolation_forest_learner': { 'features': features, 'parameters': params, 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "sklearn", 'package_version': sklearn.__version__, 'training_samples': len(df)}} return p, p(df), log
isolation_forest_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Isolation Forest")