Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from toolz import merge, curry, assoc
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor, kernels
from sklearn import __version__ as sk_version

from fklearn.common_docstrings import learner_pred_fn_docstring, learner_return_docstring
from fklearn.types import LearnerReturnType
from import log_learner_time, expand_features_encoded

[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='linear_regression_learner') def linear_regression_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], target: str, params: Dict[str, Any] = None, prediction_column: str = "prediction", weight_column: str = None, encode_extra_cols: bool = True) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits an linear regression classifier to the dataset. Return the predict function for the model and the predictions for the input dataset. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from the features. features : list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. target : str The name of the column in `df` that should be used as target for the model. This column should be continuous, since this is a regression model. params : dict The LinearRegression parameters in the format {"par_name": param}. See: prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. weight_column : str, optional The name of the column with scores to weight the data. encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True) If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns. """ def_params = {"fit_intercept": True} params = def_params if not params else merge(def_params, params) weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features) regr = LinearRegression(**params)[features].values, df[target].values, sample_weight=weights) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return new_df.assign(**{prediction_column: regr.predict(new_df[features].values)}) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("linear_regression_learner") log = {'linear_regression_learner': { 'features': features, 'target': target, 'parameters': params, 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "sklearn", 'package_version': sk_version, 'feature_importance': dict(zip(features, regr.coef_.flatten())), 'training_samples': len(df) }} return p, p(df), log
linear_regression_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Linear Regression")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='xgb_regression_learner') def xgb_regression_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], target: str, learning_rate: float = 0.1, num_estimators: int = 100, extra_params: Dict[str, Any] = None, prediction_column: str = "prediction", weight_column: str = None, encode_extra_cols: bool = True) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits an XGBoost regressor to the dataset. It first generates a DMatrix with the specified features and labels from `df`. Then it fits a XGBoost model to this DMatrix. Return the predict function for the model and the predictions for the input dataset. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from the features. features : list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. target : str The name of the column in `df` that should be used as target for the model. This column should be numerical and continuous, since this is a regression model. learning_rate : float Float in range [0,1]. Step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting. After each boosting step, we can directly get the weights of new features. and eta actually shrinks the feature weights to make the boosting process more conservative. See the eta hyper-parameter in: num_estimators : int Int in range [0, inf] Number of boosted trees to fit. See the n_estimators hyper-parameter in: extra_params : dict, optional Dictionary in the format {"hyperparameter_name" : hyperparameter_value. Other parameters for the XGBoost model. See the list in: If not passed, the default will be used. prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. weight_column : str, optional The name of the column with scores to weight the data. encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True) If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns. """ import xgboost as xgb weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None params = extra_params if extra_params else {} params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate) params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'reg:linear') features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(df[features].values, label=df[target].values, weight=weights, feature_names=map(str, features)) bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_estimators) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: dtest = xgb.DMatrix(new_df[features].values, feature_names=map(str, features)) col_dict = {prediction_column: bst.predict(dtest)} if apply_shap: import shap explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(bst) shap_values = list(explainer.shap_values(new_df[features])) shap_expected_value = explainer.expected_value shap_output = {"shap_values": shap_values, "shap_expected_value": np.repeat(shap_expected_value, len(shap_values))} col_dict = merge(col_dict, shap_output) return new_df.assign(**col_dict) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("xgb_regression_learner", shap=True) log = {'xgb_regression_learner': { 'features': features, 'target': target, 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "xgboost", 'package_version': xgb.__version__, 'parameters': assoc(params, "num_estimators", num_estimators), 'feature_importance': bst.get_score(), 'training_samples': len(df) }} return p, p(df), log
xgb_regression_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("XGboost Regressor")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='catboost_regressor_learner') def catboost_regressor_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], target: str, learning_rate: float = 0.1, num_estimators: int = 100, extra_params: Dict[str, Any] = None, prediction_column: str = "prediction", weight_column: str = None) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits an CatBoost regressor to the dataset. It first generates a Pool with the specified features and labels from `df`. Then it fits a CatBoost model to this Pool. Return the predict function for the model and the predictions for the input dataset. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from the features. features : list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. target : str The name of the column in `df` that should be used as target for the model. This column should be numerical and continuous, since this is a regression model. learning_rate : float Float in range [0,1]. Step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting. After each boosting step, we can directly get the weights of new features. and eta actually shrinks the feature weights to make the boosting process more conservative. See the eta hyper-parameter in: num_estimators : int Int in range [0, inf] Number of boosted trees to fit. See the n_estimators hyper-parameter in: extra_params : dict, optional Dictionary in the format {"hyperparameter_name" : hyperparameter_value. Other parameters for the CatBoost model. See the list in: If not passed, the default will be used. prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. weight_column : str, optional The name of the column with scores to weight the data. """ from catboost import Pool, CatBoostRegressor import catboost weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None params = extra_params if extra_params else {} params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate) dtrain = Pool(df[features].values, df[target].values, weight=weights, feature_names=list(map(str, features))) cat_boost_regressor = CatBoostRegressor(iterations=num_estimators, **params) cbr =, verbose=0) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: dtest = Pool(new_df[features].values, feature_names=list(map(str, features))) col_dict = {prediction_column: cbr.predict(dtest)} if apply_shap: import shap explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(cbr) shap_values = list(explainer.shap_values(new_df[features])) shap_expected_value = explainer.expected_value shap_output = {"shap_values": shap_values, "shap_expected_value": np.repeat(shap_expected_value, len(shap_values))} col_dict = merge(col_dict, shap_output) return new_df.assign(**col_dict) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("CatBoostRegressor", shap=False) log = {'catboost_regression_learner': { 'features': features, 'target': target, 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "catboost", 'package_version': catboost.__version__, 'parameters': assoc(params, "num_estimators", num_estimators), 'feature_importance': cbr.feature_importances_, 'training_samples': len(df) }} return p, p(df), log
catboost_regressor_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("CatBoostRegressor")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='gp_regression_learner') def gp_regression_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], target: str, kernel: kernels.Kernel = None, alpha: float = 0.1, extra_variance: Union[str, float] = "fit", return_std: bool = False, extra_params: Dict[str, Any] = None, prediction_column: str = "prediction", encode_extra_cols: bool = True) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits an gaussian process regressor to the dataset. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from the features. features: list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. target: str The name of the column in `df` that should be used as target for the model. This column should be numerical and continuous, since this is a regression model. kernel: sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels The kernel specifying the covariance function of the GP. If None is passed, the kernel "1.0 * RBF(1.0)" is used as default. Note that the kernel's hyperparameters are optimized during fitting. alpha: float Value added to the diagonal of the kernel matrix during fitting. Larger values correspond to increased noise level in the observations. This can also prevent a potential numerical issue during fitting, by ensuring that the calculated values form a positive definite matrix. extra_variance: float The amount of extra variance to scale to the predictions in standard deviations. If left as the default "fit", Uses the standard deviation of the target. return_std: bool If True, the standard-deviation of the predictive distribution at the query points is returned along with the mean. extra_params: dict {"hyperparameter_name" : hyperparameter_value}, optional Other parameters for the GaussianProcessRegressor model. See the list in: If not passed, the default will be used. prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True) If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns. """ params = extra_params if extra_params else {} params['alpha'] = alpha params['kernel'] = kernel features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features) gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(**params)[features], df[target]) extra_variance = df[target].std() if extra_variance == "fit" else extra_variance if extra_variance else 1 def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if return_std: pred_mean, pred_std = gp.predict(df[features], return_std=True) pred_std *= extra_variance return new_df.assign(**{prediction_column: pred_mean, prediction_column + "_std": pred_std}) else: return new_df.assign(**{prediction_column: gp.predict(df[features])}) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("gp_regression_learner") log = {'gp_regression_learner': { 'features': features, 'target': target, 'parameters': merge(params, {'extra_variance': extra_variance, 'return_std': return_std}), 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "sklearn", 'package_version': sk_version, 'training_samples': len(df) }} return p, p(df), log
gp_regression_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Gaussian Process Regressor")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='lgbm_regression_learner') def lgbm_regression_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], target: str, learning_rate: float = 0.1, num_estimators: int = 100, extra_params: Dict[str, Any] = None, prediction_column: str = "prediction", weight_column: str = None, encode_extra_cols: bool = True) -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits an LGBM regressor to the dataset. It first generates a Dataset with the specified features and labels from `df`. Then, it fits a LGBM model to this Dataset. Return the predict function for the model and the predictions for the input dataset. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from the features. features : list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. target : str The name of the column in `df` that should be used as target for the model. This column should be binary, since this is a classification model. learning_rate : float Float in the range (0, 1] Step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting. After each boosting step, we can directly get the weights of new features. and eta actually shrinks the feature weights to make the boosting process more conservative. See the learning_rate hyper-parameter in: num_estimators : int Int in the range (0, inf) Number of boosted trees to fit. See the num_iterations hyper-parameter in: extra_params : dict, optional Dictionary in the format {"hyperparameter_name" : hyperparameter_value}. Other parameters for the LGBM model. See the list in: If not passed, the default will be used. prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. weight_column : str, optional The name of the column with scores to weight the data. encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True) If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns. """ import lightgbm as lgbm params = extra_params if extra_params else {} params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate) params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'regression') weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features) dtrain = lgbm.Dataset(df[features].values, label=df[target], feature_name=list(map(str, features)), weight=weights, silent=True) bst = lgbm.train(params, dtrain, num_estimators) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: col_dict = {prediction_column: bst.predict(new_df[features].values)} if apply_shap: import shap explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(bst) shap_values = list(explainer.shap_values(new_df[features])) shap_expected_value = explainer.expected_value shap_output = {"shap_values": shap_values, "shap_expected_value": np.repeat(shap_expected_value, len(shap_values))} col_dict = merge(col_dict, shap_output) return new_df.assign(**col_dict) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("lgbm_regression_learner", shap=True) log = {'lgbm_regression_learner': { 'features': features, 'target': target, 'prediction_column': prediction_column, 'package': "lightgbm", 'package_version': lgbm.__version__, 'parameters': assoc(params, "num_estimators", num_estimators), 'feature_importance': dict(zip(features, bst.feature_importance().tolist())), 'training_samples': len(df)}, 'object': bst} return p, p(df), log
lgbm_regression_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("LGBM Regressor")
[docs]@curry @log_learner_time(learner_name='custom_supervised_model_learner') def custom_supervised_model_learner(df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], target: str, model: Any, supervised_type: str, log: Dict[str, Dict], prediction_column: str = "prediction") -> LearnerReturnType: """ Fits a custom model to the dataset. Return the predict function, the predictions for the input dataset and a log describing the model. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A Pandas' DataFrame with features and target columns. The model will be trained to predict the target column from features. features : list of str A list os column names that are used as features for the model. All this names should be in `df`. target : str The name of the column in `df` that should be used as target for the model. model: Object Machine learning model to be used for regression or clasisfication. model object must have ".fit" attribute to train the data. For classification problems, it also needs ".predict_proba" attribute. For regression problemsm it needs ".predict" attribute. supervised_type: str Type of supervised learning to be used The options are: 'classification' or 'regression' log : Dict[str, Dict] Log with additional information of the custom model used. It must start with just one element with the model name. prediction_column : str The name of the column with the predictions from the model. For classification problems, all probabilities wiill be added: for i in range(0,n_classes). For regression just prediction_column will be added. """ assert(len(log) == 1), "\'log\' dictionary must start with model name" TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "supervised_type options are: \'classification\' or \'regression\'" assert(supervised_type == 'classification' or supervised_type == 'regression'), TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE assert(hasattr(model, 'fit')), "\'model\' object must have \'fit\' attribute" if supervised_type == 'classification': PROBA_ERROR_MESSAGE = "\'model\' object for classification must have \'predict_proba\' attribute" assert(hasattr(model, 'predict_proba')), PROBA_ERROR_MESSAGE elif supervised_type == 'regression': PREDICT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "\'model\' object for regression must have \'predict\' attribute" assert(hasattr(model, 'predict')), PREDICT_ERROR_MESSAGE[features].values, df[target].values) def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if supervised_type == 'classification': pred = model.predict_proba(new_df[features].values) col_dict = {} for (key, value) in enumerate(pred.T): col_dict.update({prediction_column + "_" + str(key): value}) elif supervised_type == 'regression': col_dict = {prediction_column: model.predict(new_df[features].values)} return new_df.assign(**col_dict) p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("custom_supervised_model_learner") return p, p(df), log
custom_supervised_model_learner.__doc__ += learner_return_docstring("Custom Supervised Model Learner")