Feature transformations

Feature engineering is an important part of every Machine Learning project, either because you need to convert your categorical features to numerical values, or because the numerical features need some special transformation.

Fklearn`s transformation module contains a number of different feature transformations that can be incorporated in your feature engineering.

Available Encoders

Categorical: - Replace rare categories with a single one - Rank by frequency encoder - Frequency encoder - Label encoder - Onehot - Target encoder

Numerical: - Capper - Floorer - Quantile Biner - Standard Scaler


Below we present an example of encoder usage, applying a target_categorizer to a dataset and either replacing or storing the original values.

from fklearn.training.transformation import target_categorizer
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]), columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])

# Replace
pipe = target_categorizer(columns_to_categorize=['b', 'a'],
p, p_df0, log = pipe(df)

# Store originals in columns listed in a dict
pipe = target_categorizer(columns_to_categorize=['b', 'a'],
                          target_column='c', columns_mapping={'b': 'b_raw'})
p, p_df1, log = pipe(df)

# Add prefix to the columns with original values
pipe = target_categorizer(columns_to_categorize=['b', 'a'],
                          target_column='c', prefix='raw__')
p, p_df2, log = pipe(df)

# Add suffix to the columns with original values
pipe = target_categorizer(columns_to_categorize=['b', 'a'],
                          target_column='c', suffix='__raw')
p, p_df3, log = pipe(df)
